
registro: 10/12/2016
Typ samotnika .....jestem kim jestem i zmieniac sie nie chce a nawet nie bede ....zawsze pozostane soba czy tego chcesz czy nie
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Pontos necessários: 149
Último jogo


4 anos 55 dias h

żółwik michałek :x

Przejdziemy sie, mój żółwiku!
Ty masz wdzięku dziś bez liku!
Wszyscy ludzie niech się cieszą,
bo inaczej ich powieszą!
Że mój żółwik piękny, zgrabny
No i bardzo też zaradny..
Sprawił, że mój humor mały
Zrobił się dziś doskonały!
Bo najlepszy żółwik w świecie,
czy wy wiecie, czy nie wiecie,
Siedzi sobie na wysepce,
i do ucha głośno szepce
Mój Michałku, mój kochany
jestem w Tobie zakochany
Bo ty dałeś mi tu życie
I ja żyję jak w Madrycie
Dzisiaj humor mam wspaniały
Bo mój świat jest doskonały!

Mściwości lub zazdrości czar

Myślisz, że spuszczę głowę...odejdę,
bez słowa krytyki ?!O Nie,...
Mylisz się i to bardzo...
Ja się zmieniłem,zemszcze się na Tobie !
Śmiejesz się, tak ?
Może o tym nie wiesz,
lecz potrafię ranić,zobacz sama...
jeden cios...trafił
drugi...samo sedno
słyszę jak jęczysz
z bólu miotasz się,
sycząc bezradnie...
Ciekawość zwycięża, więc pytam:
"Boli ?"
Nie mówisz nic,
wiem, że cierpisz,
widać to po Twojej twarz,
na której powstaje grymas,
odrzuconego dziecka !
Splunę na ręke,
którą wyciągasz po pomoc.
Wiesz jaką satsfakcję daje mi to,
że leżysz u mych stóp
niczym pies...(suka)
Chcesz coś powiedzieć...?
zamknij się i słuchaj:
"jestem mścicielem"
hah...bawi mnie ten Twój
żałosny ból w oczach
i tak Ci nie daruję,
więc zapamiętaj to sobie..
Kocha się raz na całe życie

dziekuje :)

Pośród szarości lśnią błękity
cudownych wspomnień, pięknych zdarzeń,
malują obraz znakomity,
wspomnienia, smutki, życia miraże.

I znowu jesteś w tych ramionach,
gdzie szczęście spływa złotym deszczem,
i wcale nie dasz się przekonać,
że czas na jawę wracać wreszcie.

Nawet gdy tylko wyobraźnia,
podsuwa życia cudne strony,
to chcesz rozczytać się w nich dłużej,
uderzyć w duszy dźwięk szalony.

W każdym z nas budzi się poeta,
spragniony wersów tych najszczerszych,
w lirykę dusze przyobleka,
chociaż nie pisze wcale wierszy.

Więc kiedy w sercu brzmi muzyka,
a umysł gra magiczną kartą,
pozwól, by ciało dreszcz przenikał,
bo być wrażliwym przecież warto.


Taurus :taurus:



Symbol: Taurus

Period: April 20 to May 20

Element: Earth

Polarity: Negative

Color: Purple

Sensitive parts of the body: neck, throat

Counterpart in Chinese: Snake

The ruling planets: Venus

The opposite sign: Scorpio

Amulet: Smaragd


Taurus~personality and character

Powerful and reliable, Taurus is first when it comes to harvesting the fruits of hard work. They are fans of all that is good and beautiful, and very often will be surrounded by material pleasures. People born under the sign of Taurus are very sensual and tactile. To touch them in heart is very important both in business and in romance. Stable and conservative, Taurus is among the most reliable signs of the zodiac. Stubbornness is a feature that forces him to drive out to the end of things, in order to comply to standard. They are very creative and will enjoy the fact that the right things with their own hands.

Taurus by its very name indicates the true nature of this sign. As an earth sign, he loaded his safety, and therefore the protection of home and family from negative influences. They are excellent in creating money and tend to the ideas and plans of their most effective earn, save and invest money.

:taurus: are often known for their stubbornness, but it can also be interpreted as a total commitment to the execution of tasks. Once they make a decision, rarely stray from the road drawn, romantic relationships or work.

Taurus leads the planet Venus, which represents love, attraction, beauty and creativity. Thus, it is in the nature of Taurus to be a great cook, entertainer and artist. He is loyal, sometimes too much, and does not like sudden and unwanted changes that will spoil the life that has been carefully created for themselves.

Taurus is one of the signs to which most can count. Although some may have very conservative views of the world, or to be too fond of money and wealth, they have the ability to bring practical voice of reason in any chaotic and unhealthy situation. Challenges grow when Taurus has to deal with volatility, or the fact that living things are moving, flowing.

Taurus - Features


A reliable, patient, musical, practical


Stubborn, uncompromising, possessive

Charismatic tags

Stamen, large bones, a tendency towards corpulence


Gardening, cooking, working with his hands, music, romance, high-quality clothing

Doesn't love

Sudden changes, complications, insecurity of any kind, synthetic fabrics


That's all about Taurus. But what anime characters are Taurus?

Here are few:


But I took only some ^^





Her birthday is on April 24th.

Nel's appearance is in stark contrast to her vocabulary, which contains a number of bizarre phrases and words one wouldn't expect such a small child to know. As Nelliel, she is much more mature, composed, logical, sophisticated, and intelligent than her child form.


Nelliel is a loyal, respectful, and trustworthy warrior, who will diligently follow the orders of her commander, provided said commander has proven his worth. She's also knowledgeable, analytical, easygoing, fairly compassionate (usually towards her friends), humorous in her own right, and exhibits a cheerful, energetic demeanor when off-duty.


Tohru Honda

(Fruits basket)


Her birthday is on May 6th!

Tohru is an extremely kind, gentle, sweet, cheerful and over-optimistic girl who refuses to let anyone lift a finger for her, and at times she gets spacey. She is very loving, and finds things that wouldn't usually be that funny pretty funny. Her lovingness is proven multiple times, usually it is directed towards her mother, and all of her friends. She can be seen as slightly naive too.


She is very considerate, and if something happens that would aggravate an average person, she commonly just smiles and moves on. This also proves her braveness.


Kotomi Ichinose



Her birthday is on 13th May! She is in the top ten for every subject throughout the entire nation in standardized exam results. She always goes to the library to study extra materials, especially books in foreign dialects.


Kotomi is a very silent girl and it is very hard to interact with her, as she is very timid. In her free time, she plays the violin.


Now, time for few male characters! Sorry for that small amount, I couldn't find a lot informations ;-;


Takashi Morinozuki

(Ouran High School Host Club)


Takashi's birthday is on May 5th!

Mori only speaks when something needs to be said; his intelligence and observant nature taking in much more than many realize, making him a wise adviser to those who seek his counsel. Later in manga, he begins to speak more frequently.


His protective nature extends not only to Honey but to his friends and classmates, as well.  He is extremely well-respected and well-liked by everyone who knows him; however, when tired, he can become talkative and somewhat flirtatious, which surprises those unaccustomed to this side of his personality. Mori is quite loyal and generous.


Usui Takumi

(Kaichou Wa Maid-Sama!)


27th April is his birthday!

Usui, a silent but dangerous person, so mysterious yet only opened himself to Misaki. He is also a very popular boy in school because of his looks and talent.


He is a very smart student, as well as being good at sports, and although very popular, he doesn't let it go to his head.


Katsuhira Agata



His birthday is 5th May!

Katsuhira is rather indifferent in all situations, whether he feels pain or joy.


He is shown to be emotionless and is also shown to be oblivious to the feelings of other people, despite wanting to build bonds.


Monkey D. Luffy

(One Piece)


Luffy's birthday is also 5th May.

Luffy is portrayed as a carefree and happy-go-lucky character with great ambitions and a huge appetite. He often thinks with his stomach and gorges himself to comical levels. He is caring and generally good hearted. However, he is not as naive as many people believe him to be, showing more understanding in situations than people often expect. Knowing the dangers ahead, he is willing to risk his life to reach his goal, and protect his crew.


to początek

twarz zaciśnięta gruzłowata zawiązana skręcona w jeden supeł
węzeł ze sznura z postronka powoli zaczęła się rozwiązywać rozluźniać
opadać w ciszy zwisła zapadła się wklęsła w strach poniżenie w ostateczną klęskę w nic

pisanie to tak jak czytanie wielu czyta ale tez i wielu pisze ....